Promotional Email LP - Meeting Scheduler - Checkmarx
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Special Offer

Exclusive Offer from Checkmarx: A Thank You Gift for Your Time!


Meet with Checkmarx and explore how we can help you protect your business from the first line of code to cloud deployment. As a token of our appreciation for your time, we’re offering a free gift when you complete a qualified meeting with your local sales rep.

What’s in it for you?

  • Discover Checkmarx One: Learn about our comprehensive security platform and how it can streamline your application security.
  • Choose a Free Gift: As a thank you for meeting with us, you can select one of four exclusive gifts. (Note: Colors may vary.)

How to claim your gift:

  1. Book a meeting using the form linked below.
  2. A Checkmarx Sales Development Representative (SDR) will contact you at the scheduled time to qualify you and arrange your meeting with a local Sales Executive.
  3. Choose your gift and once you have completed the meeting, we will arrange delivery.

We look forward to showing you how Checkmarx can support your security needs.

Book Your Meeting & Choose Your Gift



Recipient must be of the legal age of majority where the recipient resides, a legal U.S. resident, and not an Checkmarx: (i) employee; (ii) reseller or partner; (iii) consultant; (iv) competitor, or a government affiliate. To receive the gift you must: (a) complete the phone or in-person meeting with a Checkmarx Account Executive, and (c) sign Checkmarx’s Product Awareness Gift Acknowledgement Form. The initial conversation will be conducted by Checkmarx Business Development Representative to qualify the need prior to scheduling the call with Checkmarx Account Executive.

By scheduling the call and by receiving any gift, recipient certifies, acknowledges and agrees that:(1) the products listed are not provided in exchange for new or continued business or any improper benefit, and (2) the products are being provided to the recipient’s company for a legitimate business purchase and not to an individual for an individual’s benefit. Further, recipient represents and warrants that (a) the gift is in compliance with and not in violation of recipient’s company policies, and (b) recipient is not a government entity or affiliate, and (c) Checkmarx is not liable for any damages, injuries, or issues arising from the use or possession of the gift.

The gift is limited to one (1) item per person, per company, while supplies last. Any recipient who has: (a) received an item in a Checkmarx campaign shall not be eligible to receive the same item in any future campaign, and/or (b) who has participated in any other Checkmarx campaign during the prior 3 months, shall not be eligible for this promotion.

Schedule Your Meeting