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Viewing the Scanners Tab (API Security)

The Scanners tab provides a multi-scanner overview of the API Security, SAST, SCA , and KICS scanners used for the last completed scan within a project. The results for each scanner type are presented on a separate screen using dedicated widgets to analyze the results. The example illustrated here uses SAST and API Security as scanners.

The first screen image illustrates the SAST scan results and the second one illustrates the API Security scan results.


If an API Security scan is run both on the code and the API documentation, the scan results will look similar to the following:


If an API Security scan is run both on the code and the API documentation, the results by the engine are shown in a pie chart (1). The vulnerabilities discovered in the code and documentation are shown in separate tabs (2).

The table below lists and explains the respective widgets for the API Security results.



Detected APIs

The number of detected APIs in the code. This scan detected 8 APIs in the code.

Sensitive Data APIs

The number of APIs with at least one sensitive data attribute. This scan detected sensitive data attributes in 7 out of the 8 detected APIs.

Additional information on sensitive data is available in the table below.

Undocumented APIs

If an API Security scan is run both on the code and the API documentation and undocumented API endpoints are detected in the scanned Swagger file, their number will appear in this widget.

Results by Risk

The total number of scan results is split by risk severity.

Results by Vulnerabilities

A list of detected vulnerabilities with the respective number of instances for each one.

<View Results>

Click to switch to the Risks table.

The Sensitive Data categories and parameters are listed below.




firstname, surname, familyname, fullname, name

Personal Data

birthday, dob, dateofbirth, phone, mobile, email, socialsecurity, ssn, driverslicense


address, zipcode


credit, cardnumber, account


credentials, secret, auth, apikey, pass, pwd, password

The Risks table lists the risks and provides additional information as outlined in the table below. For additional information on viewing scan results, refer to API Security Results.





Indicates the risk severity as follows:




Risk Name

The name of the risk.


Indicates the status of the risk as follows:

New.png- A newly detected vulnerability.

Recurrent_List.png- The vulnerability has been detected at least once before.

Endpoint Path

The end path of the resource URL.


The operation that the endpoint performs on resources.

Data Origin

Indicates where the risk was detected, for example inside the code.

Risk Discovered

The date when the risk was detected.


Undocumented APIs are risky because attackers may use them as an undetectable surveillance and reconnaissance channel.

This column shows whether the endpoint is documented or not:

  • "-" appears when no documentation file was not scanned

  • Yes: The endpoint appears in the scanned document and it is documented

  • No: The endpoint appears in the scanned document, but it is not documented


Unauthenticated APIs are risky because they may allow easy access to confidential information.

This column shows whether the endpoint is authenticated or not.

  • "-" appears when no documentation file was not scanned

  • Yes: The endpoint appears in the scanned document and it is authenticated

  • No: The endpoint appears in the scanned document, but it is not authenticated