A bug fix always beats a round of risk assessments - Checkmarx

A bug fix always beats a round of risk assessments

1 min.

September 26, 2017

“Many organizations have an effective process for identifying problems, but no process for remediation,” said Matt Rose, the global director of application security strategy at Checkmarx. “Organizations do a lot of signing off on risk. Instead of saying ‘let’s remediate that’ they say ‘what’s the likelihood of this actually happening?’”
Sadly, the trend towards cloud-native, DevOps based development hasn’t reversed the this trend towards preferring risk assessment over problem remediation. The goal of any team that is embracing DevOps and implementing a system of continuous delivery is to eliminate as many manual processes as possible. A big part of that process is integrating software quality and static code analysis tools into the continuous integration server’s build process. But simply automating the process isn’t enough. “A lot of times people just automate and don’t actually remediate,” said Rose.
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