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Uninstalling CxSAST

Uninstall allows you to remove the currently installed version of the CxSAST application.


If you decide to uninstall CxSAST after you have installed a CxSAST Engine Pack on top of the CxSAST installation, you must first uninstall the Engine Pack, before uninstalling CxSAST.

To uninstall CxSAST from a server host:

  1. Copy your CxSAST license file to a safe location.

  2. Make sure that there are no scans currently running.

  3. Stop all Cx Windows services (depending on which Checkmarx components are installed on the server computer) and stop the Web server.

On a centralized host:

  • CxSystemManager

  • CxJobsManager

  • CxScansManager

  • CxSastResults

  • CxScanEngine

  • Management and Orchestration:

  • CxARM


  • CxRemediationIntelligence

  • Shared services:

  • ActiveMQ

  • Web server: (run "iisreset /stop" from elevated CMD or Stop action for the server name in IIS Console):

  • World Wide Web Publishing Service

  • IIS Admin Service

On a CxEngine host (if applicable):

  • CxScanEngine

4. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. The Programs and Features screen is displayed.


5. Double-click on CxEnterprise, or right click and select Uninstall/Change. The Setup Options window is displayed.


6. Click <UNINSTALL>, then click on the warning to confirm that you are about to remove CxSAST and all of its components. The Uninstallation in Progress window is displayed.


7. Once complete, the Uninstall Successfully Completed window is displayed.


8. Click <CLOSE>to complete the uninstall.


Even though uninstall removes most Checkmarx folders, for renewal purposes, the following folders are not deleted:

  • CxSrc

  • SQL DBs: CxDB, CxActivity and CxARM