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Working with Scan Result Reports

This section includes SDK methods for working with scan result reports.

Generating a Report

The API client can generate a result report for a scan, by Scan ID.

CxSDKWebService.CreateScanReport Method

public CxWSCreateReportResponse CreateScanReport(
   string sessionID,
   CxWSReportRequest reportRequest


  • sessionID: The current Session ID

  • reportRequest: An instance of class CxWSReportRequest, which includes the following fields:

    • .ScanID: The Scan ID of the scan results for which to generate a report.

    • .Type: The report output type.

Return Value

CxWSReportRequest, including:


To generate a result report for a scan with a known ID of 256:

internal void Main(string [] args)
    String sessionID = args[0];
    CxSDKWebServiceSoapClient cxSDKProxy = new CxSDKWebServiceSoapClient();

    CxWSReportRequest request = new CxWSReportRequest ();

    //set the report type to be PDF
    request.Type = CxWSReportType.PDF;

    //report should be for scan ID 256
    request.ScanID = 256;

    CxWSCreateReportResponse response = cxSDKProxy.CreateScanReport(sessionID, request);
    ReportID =response.ID;

SOAP to REST Mapping

This section covers SOAP to REST migration and mapping of our legacy SOAP based SDK to the new REST APIs. It is recommended to use this reference only once CxSAST V8.8.0 is installed.


POST /reports/sastScan

Generate a new scan report.

For more mapping information, refer to API Mapping (SOAP to REST). You can find a summary of our REST APIs here.

Getting Report Status

The API client can track the status of a report generation request.

CxSDKWebService.GetScanReportStatus Method

public CxWSReportStatusResponse GetScanReportStatus(
   string SessionID,
   long ReportID


Return Value

CxWSReportStatusResponse, including:

  • .IsFailed (boolean): If process failed, set to true

  • .IsReady (boolean): If process ended, set to true


To check the status of a report with a known report ID of 200:

internal void Main(string [] args)
    String sessionID = args[0];
    CxSDKWebServiceSoapClient cxSDKProxy = new CxSDKWebServiceSoapClient();

    int reportId = 200;

    CxWSReportStatusResponse response= cxSDKProxy.GetScanReportStatus(sessionID, reportId);

    //if IsReady is true the creation process is done
    ReportReady = response.IsReady;

    //if IsFailed is true the creation process failed and the server stopped the process
    GeneratingProcessFailed = response.IsFailed;

SOAP to REST Mapping

This section covers SOAP to REST migration and mapping our legacy SOAP based SDK to the new REST APIs. It is recommended to use this reference only once CxSAST V8.8.0 is installed.


GET /reports/sastScan/{Id}/status

Get the status of a generated report.

For more mapping information, refer to API Mapping (SOAP to REST). You can also find a summary of our REST APIs here.

Getting a Report

Once a scan result report has been generated and the report is ready, the API client can retrieve the report's content.

CxSDKWebService.GetScanReport Method

public CxWSResponseScanResults GetScanReport(
   string SessionID,
   long ReportID


Return Value

CxWSResponseScanResults, including:

  • .ScanResults (byte array): The report content is the last scan log as file XML to download.

  • .containsAllResults (boolean): true if report content hasn't been cut (due to configured maximal report size).


To get the contents of a report with a known ID of 200:

internal void Main(string [] args)
   String sessionID = args[0];
   CxSDKWebServiceSoapClient cxSDKProxy = new CxSDKWebServiceSoapClient();            
   long repotID = 200;
   //ask for results of report with id 200
   CxWSResponseScanResults response = cxSDKProxy.GetScanReport(sessionID, repotID);
   //get the report content as byte array
   ReportContent = response.ScanResults;
   //check if report content contains all scan results
   ContainAllResults = response.containsAllResults;

SOAP to REST Mapping

This section covers SOAP to REST migration and mapping of our legacy SOAP based SDK to the new REST APIs. It is recommended to use this reference only once CxSAST V8.8.0 is installed.


GET /reports/sastScan/{Id}

Get the specific report once generated.

For more mapping information, refer to API Mapping (SOAP to REST). You can also find a summary of our REST APIs here.