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Deleting a Project

The API client can delete an existing project and all related scans. Scans that are currently running are stopped and deleted together with the project. If there's even a single scan that cannot be deleted (due to security reasons) the operation is marked as failed and an error message is returned.

cxSDKProxy.DeleteProjects Method

public CxWSBasicRepsonse DeleteProjects(
   string sessionID,
   long projectIDs,


  • sessionID: The current Session ID

  • projectIDs: The Project IDs of the project to be deleted. Can be obtained from the server response upon running a scan.

Return Value

If there are any errors, the return value parameter “CxWSBasicRepsonse.IsSuccesfull” is set to false and the second parameter “CxWSBasicRepsonse.ErrorMessage” indicates the reason for failure.


To delete existing projects and its related scans:

internal void Main(string [] args)
  String sessionID = args[0];
  CxSDKWebService cxSDKProxy = new CxSDKWebService();

  //the projects unique id 
  long[] projectsIDs = new long[]{1,2,3};

  //cancel the scan
  CxWSBasicRepsonse response = cxSDKProxy.DeleteProjects(sessionID, projectsIDs);

SOAP to REST Mapping

This section covers SOAP to REST migration and mapping of our legacy SOAP based SDK to the new REST APIs. It is recommended to use this reference only once CxSAST V8.8.0 is installed.


DELETE projects/{projectId}

Delete a specific project. Parameters include - deleteRunningScans (true/false).

For more mapping information, refer to API Mapping (SOAP to REST). You can also find a summary of our REST APIs here.